Wednesday, May 16, 2012

10 Surefire Ways to Piss Off Your Facebook Friends

1. Include a hastag (#) in your status updates #justkidding
2. Constantly update your facebook status every few minutes (according to twitter users this is actually okay to do on twitter)
3. Accept your parents or others close relatives as your friends
4. Share really personal information about your point-of-view on important matters
5. Tag your friends in photos when they are not actually in them
6. "Like" your own posts (status updates, pictures, etc.)... it's like giving yourself a high-five in public
7. Piggybacking on #6... ask your friends to like your posts (shameless self promoting)
7. Send your friends game requests, calendar requests, app requests, etc.
8. Share everything you can about your newborn child because if it's cute to you, it MUST be cute to everybody else
9. Definitely take photos of yourself looking cute at strange angles where you can see down your shirt... typically the bathroom is a great place to do this
10. Write passive aggressive status updates about things your friends and family have done in hopes that they will read it and know you're talking about them

I created this list as a result of an article trending on twitter via Mashable called "10 Facebook Tips for Power Users". It focused on tips and tricks for navigating the platform, viewing photos, hiding personal information, and improving the overall experience by understanding how to fully utilize your account settings. It was rather technical and what was the result???.... an endless amount of twitter chatter about what people hate on facebook. So after reading through Facebook-hating tweets I decided to compile a list of surefire ways to piss off your Facebook friends. While I agree with the majority, these are not my personal opinion, just a collection of reoccurring annoyances by twitter users. Perhaps we can all learn from this.... or alternately continue to do these things to piss off our friends.

What is missing from this list? What just drives you absolutely crazy which people do on Facebook?