Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Knitting Ain't For Grandmas No More
Monday, October 20, 2008
Do You Want to Touch - hey!

I just saw a commercial for the HP Touhsmart PC and I'm pretty intrigued. First off, the music in this commercial made me want to shout and dance - seriously. The commercial itself was very iphone/ipod-ish. Cool song, very visual, quick, sleek and intriguing. This computer has a large touch screen monitor, a blue-ray disk drive, easy to organize media, a build in webcam, and other features I have never heard of. Seems to me like this is there opportunity to stay ahead of the Apple curve and it will be intersting to follow the reviews on this.
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Web 2 point what?

What is web 2.0? - The second phase on the Internet I hear. With so many competing companies and applications it's all a little overwhelming to me. I'm looking forward to making use of these 2.0 resources and have been active on myspace and facebook for some time now, igoogle, google reader, blogspot, and really everything google. I recently joined LinkedIn too. I just want everything to happen by using one button (a google button I hope). I hear about digging this and delicious that so I guess I have a lot to learn. Look at all this...

Saturday, October 18, 2008
Happy Ads Make Me Mad (Sometimes)

Friday, October 17, 2008

energy crisis? Drink Vitamin Water

Thursday, October 16, 2008
Famima, Ikea, Fresh and Easy

Friday, October 3, 2008
Luchador Masks

I've been seeing these crazy masks everywhere, what the heck is going on?

I'm a flash mobber!

Even wikipedia knows what a Flash Mob is: "A flash mob is a large group of people who assemble suddenly in a public place, perform an unusual action for a brief time, then quickly disperse." I know, it's so 2003 but I still like it. Apparently I have even participated in one (SantaCon) without even knowing it! Basically it's a social experiment which is often used to get some point across (or just to be ridiculous for really no reason at all). Anything from planting a banana tree to dressing up as soldiers outside the McCain campaign offices. It's very guerrilla and often organized through email. Like everything that is once cool and loses it - the brands have started to catch on. Can flash mobs be on the way in or out? Yahoo recently partnered with Improv Everywhere to launch a flash mob campaign which was announced on Ad Age last month.
ESPN Astro Turf Ads

On the corner of Cahuenga Blvd. and Hollywood Blvd. is an ESPN ad for Monday night football. I've never seen anything like this, it's made out of fake grass so if you touch it the ad sticks out a few inches. I took a bad picture with my camera phone and went back to take a better one later however it was no longer there :( I looked online to find a pic and found tons of stories surrounding the subject of theft... apparently I'm one of many people who really enjoyed it but now they are being stolen left and right. I'm sure this has been quite costly for the brand however it may be worth the extra attention - what do you think? They are even running similar ads in print which is where I pulled this image from however it would have been really spectacular if it was also made out of a special pop-out material like green felt or something along those lines.
Sunday, September 28, 2008
The Missing Time Phone Line
I've seen these ads around on telephone polls as well as in a Newsweek magazine recently. Apparently Zyrtec works 2 hours faster than Claritin. If you call this number it tells you you've reached the missing time phone line due to taking Claritin. Then the recorded message gives you some more info on Zyrtec directing to their website for more info. Pretty clever huh.
Ice Cream You Scream
On-the-go Radishes

I was at Trader Joe's and I saw these radishes. It's a cool concept however it would be a lot cooler if it were for carrots 1- because it's shaped like a carrot and 2 - because who eat radishes as a snack. I'm sure lots of people eat radishes but it doesn't strike me as one of those on-the-go healthy snack you see people eating at their desk. Package carrots this way and you got yourself a new customer!
Glass Walls on the rise in Hollywood

I'm detected a new architecture trend on the rise in Hollywood!!! Let me give you a little background info of the area first. I've lived here for about 3 years now and when I first move to Hollywood I had no idea what was behind most of these solid sign-less walls. If most of the trendy and elite clubs and restaurants were placed in any other city, from the outside they would look like warehouses, chop-shops, or drug dealin' locations. Unfortunately you have to be in the know to see that behind these walls are trendy hangouts filled with hot actors and celebs. Well, some business people have finally realized that if they only cater to these people, they will be out of business within a year - seriously.. I see it happen all the time. Within the last 6 month a 24 hour posh diner opened called Kitchen 24. It's affordable and more importantly accepts all people. I think the major difference with this place is that it has large glass windows so you can see everything inside which makes you want to go inside when you see how awesome and crowded it looks. It's fairly simple really... if people can see inside and it looks cool, they will want to come inside, and this, my friend, is why I feel it's always so busy. Face it, most people who come to Hollywood have no idea how to find a club with no sign and a door that you enter in a creepy alley. Following Kitchen 24 is Loteria Grill and Kress. I don't feel cool enough to get into Kress so I can't speak confidently for it yet however their similarities are the large glass walls. Loteria Grill is also always packed and I feel the reason why is that you can see inside! People know what they are walking by and they can see that it looks cool and busy. I'm sure it's less intimidating too when you know what you're walking into. Anyways, I think you get the point, in the near future I envision that more and more bars, clubs and restaurants will be bringing their solid walls down in place or inviting see-through glass.
The Red Cross and Dracular 3 Partner
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Coconut Water and The Health Craze

Tuesday, September 9, 2008
California Goes Hands-Free

Sunday, September 7, 2008
Simple Shoes
It was very creative, visually eye-catching, and you didn't need to read a tag as to why you should buy this sustainable product, it just got to the point immediately... it was Simple. But wait, there's more... a patron in the store picked up the jar with the "hemp" in it and asked the employee what it was. The employee said "hemp" of course, and the lost customer was enraged and started yelling at him. The hemp was actually made of plastic which is somewhat ironic considering that plastic is not hemp nor is it sustainable. To me, it really didn't matter, I mean... could you even save hemp in a jar without is going bad? I figured it's just a nice display trying to get the point across and as long as the shoes are really made of hemp (or whatever natural material the brand claims) then who really cares... apparently this guy does. Unfortunately he took his concern up with the guy trying to make a simple living selling t-shirts instead of the company. While he was completely out-of-line is was still very ironic.
Saturday, June 14, 2008
Gladiator sandals

Monday, June 9, 2008
Pangea Day
"Pangea Day is a global event bringing the world together through film. Why? In a world where people are often divided by borders, difference, and conflict, it's easy to lose sight of what we all have in common. Pangea Day seeks to overcome that and to help people see themselves in others through the power of film."
After watching several short films, here are a couple that caught my attention. "Laughter Club" by Neil Davenport is a short film that takes place in India which documents as the title says - laughter clubs. Basically these clubs gather to yes - laugh. While I feel it's a little absurd, it's really makes you feel happy knowing so many people get together just to laugh and make each other feel good. Not sure if I could fake a laugh and do it just because but nonetheless, they seem to find it enjoyable.
I couldn't find a clip of his film so be sure to check it out at the link above but these things are all over youtube so here is one of many to check out:
"Sweet Dreams" by Kisten Lepore was my absolute favorite. It's a creative piece about sugary treats (a cupcake) that learns how to be more healthy. Here is a clip of it:
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Asahi Ramen
I honestly had no idea that there are restaurants dedicated to ramen and was smitten with the cute area it resides in. I guess this is my first ramen experience aside from that stuff that comes in the 30 cent package.
Asahi Ramen was really busy and for some reason they did not want to seat us and let every other group go ahead of us. We started with a couple pickled cucumbers which were freakin' amazing! We had gyozas as an appetizer which are little friend potstickers that pretty much taste like every other potsticker (aside from "The Potsticker" in San Francisco). Ricky and I shared a huge bowl (which we could not finish) of ramen noodles in clear broth with half a hard-boiled egg, pork slices, bean sprouts, and green onions. While I admit that it was fairly bland, for some reason I still liked it but would recommend adding some hot sauce or something to it.
Total comfort food, authentic feeling, loud women, healthy I think, super cheap, bland, huge portions, fast service, and something I would like to eat on a overcast day.
2027 Sawtelle Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90025
Monday, February 11, 2008
Camellia Joy

Sunday, February 10, 2008
Murakami at the MOCA
Well, although you will rarely find me at a museum, today I went to the Murakami exhibit at the MOCA and it was pretty cool. I had first heard of this artist through a newsletter about his line of LV bags. Although I'm not a fan of that brand (sorry all females of the world) I was intrigued when I had read that Murakami is "arguably the most internationally acclaimed artist to emerge from Asia in the postwar era" - I figured I should take advantage of this opportunity. My favorite piece was called 727 show below.