Monday, November 30, 2009

Mickey D's Sweet Tea

This year Southern California (and many other places too I'm sure) was introduced to Sweet Tea Vodka. As a lover of tea and vodka I am very disappointed in myself for not having tried it yet but I plan to. Anytime I meet people from the South I swear to god that is one of their top complaints as to what Los Angeles is deprived of. Apparently making a cup of black tea with sugar and milk doesn't suffice for some. Well Sweet Tea has officially gone mainstream as McDonald's recently began offering it for just $1, can't wait to try it!

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Chrome Crash

I use Google Chrome as my web browser now and it crashed on me for the first time today. At least the error message made me laugh...

Tuesday, November 17, 2009


It's pronounced "Sure-Oh" and they don't call these tasty treats Churros anymore, they call them Spanish Fritters. So imagine that your Churro now costs $5, it's sold in a fancy store that looks like a West Hollywood club, and it's filled with ooey-gooey goodness with more goodness on the outside. This my friend, is a Fritter. More over cupcakes, here comes the next fatty fad.

Monday, November 16, 2009

You're Better Off Giving Your Money to a Bum

This is really funny to me. Who is stupid enough to spend more on a gift card than it's actual value?

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Beyonce Brings Back the 60s

I had no idea that Beyonce's "Single Ladies" music video was inspired by this music video from the 60s. Trends really do come full circle.

It's Always Sunny in California

I've been meaning to share this for a while. I really enjoy this billboard because it's simple, to the point, economically relevant, yet still uplifting.