Thursday, November 11, 2010

Missed Connections

I was looking through apartments for rent on craigstlist and my curious mind brought me to missed connections which I now love. Some are rather bizarre and some are really cute. It seems as though some people use it to communicate back and forth with each other too.

This was one I really liked...
Ode to McGriddles and a Silver Truck - m4w - 28 (EightySixed)
So there I was, rushing to get ready for work on an empty stomach. I have been craving McDonalds breakfast for weeks and I knew a sausage egg and cheese McGriddle would hit the spot perfectly. Problem was, I had to be at work in 15 minutes and that is exactly how long the drive was. I was bummed out. That is, until you came along. You were a middle aged woman driving a big lifted silver Dodge truck and like myself, You had somewhere to be. You proved to me that I should chase my McGriddle dreams and that anything is possible as you parted traffic with your war machine as Moses did the Red Sea. Traffic lights were a mere suggestion to you as you ran every light that was turning red. Those lights wanted to keep me from my heavenly breakfast. You would not let them. I putted my dirty buick past the watchful traffic cameras behind the shield of disguise provided by your oversized 4X4. We made remarkable time as you cleared a path, throwing blocks for me as a veteran offensive lineman would have done for a running back in the final comeback drive of our most memorable super bowl bouts. You were determined not too be late and that type of contagious thinking was catching onto me as well. It is as if knew where I needed to be as you suddenly slowed just as I reached the McDonalds closest to my work. I had made it. All thanks to you Silver Dodge. Knowing it is only right to bask in this moment of glory, I order not one but two (yes, two) sausage, egg and cheese mcgriddles. One for me. and one to us and our moment of victory. They tasted like true love's first kiss and I owe it all you. You put the fuel in my tank to allow me to have a great day and all I could think about was spreading word of my adventure to all my fellow misfits and outcasts at They should be eager to salute you for your act of kindness onto one of thier own. Thank you!

forever in your debt,

Dirty Buick

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Marketers: Be ARTists

A few blog-posts back I shared an image of the Deleon tequila bottle and the Evian Paul Smith water bottle. These resonated with me because of their sheer beauty, and this got me wondering what’s going on with design these days. Are everyday disposable items turning into works of art, and where is this change and inspiration coming from?

A couple things are going on here.

First off, we’re finding everyday household items are becoming simple and beautiful. The tried and true example of course is Method and their well-designed soap bottles. For the first time people actually want to keep their hand soap on display, and now we have designer water bottles. Would you think twice before throwing out your water bottle if it also served as a flower vase? For consumers this is new. Before this change I would have chucked these items in the trash without hesitating but now I think “Wait a minute, this is cute. Can I reuse it or use it for something else?” In some recent client work I found that some women don’t want their paper towels on display simply because they don’t match their kitchens, but what if they did match?

Secondly, brands are borrowing from other industries. I see this prevailing in the alcohol industry where alcohol bottles are mimicking perfume bottles such as Delone tequila or the recently popular St. Germain. What does this mean for brands and marketers? It’s simple really. In order to stay ahead of your competition you must move beyond your industry and look across the horizon to see where you can find inspiration. If you’re looking where your competitors are (your industry) then you will only be a follower and will find yourself limited and a step behind. If however you’re looking where you competitors are not (other industries of course) then you will find yourself a leader paving the way for others… and who doesn’t want that.

So marketers should be artists. When I say “be artists” what I mean is to design like an artist and think like an artist without any limitations.

Also, don't forget to steal.

Monday, September 20, 2010


I love chips and like broccoli. I love pizza and like ice cream but would I ever ask for pizza flavored ice cream? No. And I won't ask for broccoli flavored chips either.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Update on Hipsters

Feathers (thumbs up) and fox tails ( thumbs down) have been added to their closets.

Friday, August 6, 2010

Paul Smith for evian

I couldn't resist purchasing this water for $3.75 and I plan to use it as a flower vase...

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Bras with nipples!

I am speechless, I can't believe somebody thought this was a good idea; from Victoria's Secret.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Tequila Billboard

I saw this billboard in West Hollywood and prior to reading that it's for Tequila I though it was cologne; looks beautiful. A clear bottle... clearly positioned against Patron.

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Sunday, July 11, 2010

Huggies Jeans

I can't imagine these limited edition Huggies Jean diapers would be very comfortable but at least your baby would be fashionable.

Friday, July 2, 2010

Method Does It Again

A nicely packaged laundry detergent in a small bottle and easy to use. I've never seen detergent with a pump but it makes so much sense. 4 pumps equals 1 load and there is no measuring necessary and no mess. Yup, I bought it.

Monday, June 28, 2010

1 of 1 Million Reasons I Love Trader Joe's

I ran into a neighbor in my elevator today who said "I like your purse, it's really cool" and he was not actually talking about my purse, he was referring to my $1.99 TJs reusable grocery bag. Pretty cool that Trader Joe's can create such a nicely designed bag and be socially relevant too. It seems that grocery store brands often participate in rather traditional advertising, tv and print, so I feel this is a good means to displaying their brand outside their store.

However, it also made me think I need a cooler purse.

Friday, June 18, 2010

Thank you usa networks

When I got off the bus I was plesantly greeted by a usa networks "taco" truck that was giving free ice cream sandwhiches... Thanks!

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

The New Hipster: A Generation With Identity Issues

I’m thinking into the near future…

When I think of a “Hipster” I think a Fedora or some funky hat, a vintage t-shirt (that really isn’t vintage but only meant to look so) or a flannel, tight jeans, and cowgirl boots/flats for the ladies and shoes with sued for the gentlemen. I think the new hipster is changing a bit, with a complete embrace of the 1970s. For the men, they’ve lost the hat and replaced it with big puffy frizzy wavy hair (imagine white guys with afros) and a moustache, shirts are about the same, some may be risky and add small flowers or paisley to their dress shirts. They may have added a leather jacket, and the pants are now dark brown polyester (next week they may have bell bottoms). The ladies are also rocking the leather jackets but I think it’s time to either curl the hair Farrah Fawcett style or grown it out to be super long, stringy, and blonde. I think the women will start wearing fur jackets too (that are fake of course). Maybe indie music will start to incorporate funk. Keep an eye and ear out!

My First Digital Birthday: Communication

My birthday this year was highly digital so I wanted to sum up the various ways I received my “Happy Birthday” messages and more importantly, what it means.

I received 60-something facebook messages from a combo of family, friends coworkers and acquaintances (mainly coworkers acquaintances). I received 5 phone calls (from my parents, an aunt and 2 close friends). I received 8 text messages (from my sister, 2 cousins, an aunt, my boyfriend’s mom, 2 close friends, and a coworker/friend). I received 3 cards in the mail (from 2 aunts and a friend).

On the non-digital front I received about a couple dozen in person birthday wishes (1 from my boyfriend, 1 at the restaurant, the rest from coworkers and friends). I received 2 cards handed to me in person (from my parents and my roommate). Lastly, 1 message accompanied with flowers and chocolates delivered at my office from an aunt.

Does any of this surprise me? No. The only one that appeared out of the ordinary was the card received in the mail from a friend (which was nice). Also, those who are rather close to me made it a point to send their wishes in all formats possible (in person, a phone call and then a text or email just in case!) These people must love me a lot :)

So what can we learn from this when it comes to communication? People communicate differently based off of 2 important factors; 1 – age (which also drives wiliness to adopt technology) and 2 - closeness. The older you are, the less likely you are to communicate special messages digitally. Older people tend to pick up the phone or even drop a card in the mail. There is a sense of time and effort that is prevalent in their communication. Secondly, the closer you are to somebody (regardless of age) the more likely you are to communicate in a more personal way (like by phone) – this usually includes family and close friends.

So, ranking these forms of communication from the impersonal to personal...
1. Facebook/In person (In person may seem strange here but I’ve placed it here because I’m thinking of when it’s done in passing, like at work)
2. Email (also depends on who it’s coming from; your dentist or your mom)
3. Text (this is bit more personal than email only because you can have a back-and-forth conversation more easily)
4. Phone Call/Card (Handed to you in person) – these messages tend to come to you from that people that love you most
5. Card (sent by mail) – I feel this is the most personal form of communicating special messages (accompanied with an in person visit at a later time) because it takes the most amount of thought, time and effort

By the way, I did have a nice in-person BBQ with my parents and friends as well as a lovely dinner with my boyfriend which of course is the most personal of them all!

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

The best thing since sliced bread - stickybits!

According to every marketing expert and well-respected news website, location-based technology is the hot new thing. By now most of you have heard of fourspuare, which speaking of I think just reached its tipping point. So, this is not about if fourquare is revolutionary or just a trend - there is enough criticism on that written way better than I could ever put it. This is about stickybits.

Today I read about stickybits on trencentral and was beside myself! What are these silly words you ask?! Stickybits is a company that allows you to use your cell phone (with a free iPhone or Android app) to scan a barcode and either obtain or attach some media-rich content to it (say a picture, video, or audio recording). You can either attach a “bit” of information to a barcode that already exists, or create your own barcode. Also, as the location moves about I believe you can also track where it is geographically.

This is about endless possibilities for marketers, brands and people. I feel that stickybits (and perhaps other similar products like Microsoft Tags) is going to revolutionize marketing, content sharing, and location-based tagging. What’s the benefit you ask? Richer content and a new and innovative way to satisfy a participatory culture.

If you need this explained a bit more tangibly, bury yourself in these examples…

1. You’re walking out of a concert and you get a flyer for a band you have never heard of. Typically you drop it on the floor right away because you just know you wouldn’t like them. But this time, there is a barcode on the flyer. You scan the barcode with you iPhone and get to watch a music video from the band on that flyer that has now created a new fan!

2. You’re at the grocery store thinking of buying some new product you have never purchased before (let’s go with udon noodles) but you have no idea what udon noodles are or how to cook and prepare them. No worries - just scan the bar code and watch a video of some famous chef teaching you how to cook them. Okay, you’ll buy them now!

3. You’re driving around apartment hunting in an unfamiliar area and see a for rent flyer so you stop and pick it up. The building is locked and the apartment manager is away so you grab a flyer but wish you could have seen the inside. Of course stickybits is the solution – you scan the bar code and see pictures of the inside of the apartment for rent!

4. How about a contest? You’re an avid Coke drinker on a mission to find the golden ticket. You scan the barcode on each Coke can you purchase until you find that you are the winner of an unlimited supply of Coca-Cola! Along the way you of course get to watch other hilarious videos about your fellow Coke drinkers.

I think you get the point now. A few issues come to mind… how will this impact controversial businesses and people (I can already imagine all the anti-McDonalds videos). This also might be an interesting medium for graffiti artists or anti-media peeps.

Monday, April 19, 2010

What Words Inspire You?

I’ve been doing quite a bit of reading and listening lately and because of a suggestion from a friend, I have started to write down on flashcards the words that inspire and guide me (on a non-spiritual level). Most of this comes from authors I like, the blogs I read, and the amazing people I often listen to on Ted Talks. Some are life-ish, some are career-ish, some are rather random. When I need to remind myself of the life I strive to lead, I read through them all for a bit of inspiration.

I imagine I’m going to gather many more, but here they are so far…

1. People are not good at predicting now, how happy something will make them in the future. If you want to know how happy something will make you feel (say moving, changing careers, having a baby…) then ask those who are experiencing it.
2. To innovate you must leap ahead – anticipate needs that people don’t know they have, and then deliver something that redefines the category.
3. Focus on the process, not the outcome.
4. Place intrinsic value on what is tangible – love, health, values…
5. Appreciate what already exists.
6. Be you. Know who you are. And be really good at it!
7. If everything you do is to increase happiness, then ask yourself, will doing this make me more happy?

So, what words of wisdom inspire you that you would like to share with me?

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Kick-Ass Billboard

Look at that person up there...

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Sunday, March 21, 2010

Easter Eggs

Pre-boiled and dyed for you, no mess, no fun.

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Sunday, February 7, 2010

Coffee Bean

Coffee Bean now has a yogurt, oatmeal and parfait station that looks like you are at Coldstone.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Funny Anthem Commercial

I have a feeling that most people are not going to feel the way I do about this commercial but it is so funny to me! As this serious voice discusses the benefits of Anthem health insurance this doctor pulls a bean out of a kid's nose. Then he pulls a plastic Barbie shoe out of some other kid's ear. My favorite part is that the commercial zooms in on the bean and the shoe... so weird.

By the way, this is my first video upload ever thanks to my handy iphone and youtube application.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

A Perfect Example of Viral Marketing

Yesterday I noticed that all of my Facebook friends were writing status updates about what their name means according to the website, so clearly my curiosity drove me to do the same. I went to the site, typed my name in, giggled, used the definition as my status update, and acted exactly as the brand had hoped I would. At this very moment my wall is being filled with these updates. This made me wonder... was this unsolicited well deserved marketing started by a few hip teenagers OR a really smart paid campaign? Regardless, it was brilliant.

Haagen-Dazs OR Haagen-Dazs

Same ingredients, same shelf, same ice cream. Which one did I buy?

Blogging Isn't Cool Anymore

According to this article below, blogging is less popular among young people because it takes too much time. The alternative of microblogging via social media sites like twitter and facebook is a more immediate way to communicate with others. I agree, which is why I have recently begun making blog updates through an iPhone app which surely isn't quick enough at the rate I type on this keyboard.

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Sunday, January 31, 2010

Indian Food on the Rise

This past year I have developed an Indian food obsession and lucky for me I think it's gaining in popularity. The Indian food section at Trader Joe's has expanded and now the Hispanic/Asian food isle at Ralph'a now includes Indian food too. So tonight I've opted for a frozen dinner... Not too bad.

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Saturday, January 30, 2010

Got an iPhone

Just testing out some free Blogger app, unsure how to add an image.

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