If you were to select "male" for your gender on a survey, please leave a comment. I want to know your thoughts, even the negative ones...

My light bulb in the bedroom just went out and I automatically thought to tell my bf to change it. It's not as though I can't easily do it myself, but for some reason I felt as though it was "the mans" job, haha. It got me thinking about what else he "should" be doing?! (I'm feeling quite shallow but honest right now). In addition to changing light bulbs here is my list: taking out the trash is #1, killing spiders (but he never does it), carrying/moving heavy things, hooking up electronics, opening jars, dealing with computer problems, and cooking (not preparing) meat, only when it's on the grill. How has this changed from the past? It's hard for me to say however from what I understand I feel as though the main shift for my generation is from the handy man to the tech man. Having lived with many men (currently 3) I could not say that any of them could fix a leaking sink, however hooking up the surround sound is a no-brainer. Of course bringing home the bacon still lingers, but the financial lines have quickly blurred. As we all compete in a technologically savvy world our skills begin to align with those we share our cubicles with. As we move closer in-line with one another, perhaps possessing a blue collar skill could be useful. I can make some sick PowerPoint slides but I can't lay your carpet, install you windows, or change you spark plugs. Something to keep in mind perhaps.
You should check out "Shop Class as Soul Craft," an inquiry into the value of work. Argues that we need more ability to do things with our hands. http://www.amazon.com/Shop-Class-Soulcraft-Inquiry-Value/dp/1594202230
Thanks for sharing! I think it could be quite a useful skill, especially for women because when I am using my hands it’s more for entertainment crafts (like painting, piano and so forth) versus for practical crafts (like fixing that leaking sink). I recently learned to do caulking on shelves in a home so now I feel as though I could do it for myself.
I spoke to my sister who is very close in age to me and she seemed to have been significantly more traditional than myself, depending on her man for required weekly dates and more!
I had to change the light bulb all by myself while my hubby layed in bed watching me.I had to stand on the bed and i'm still not even tall enough and I was pretty grumpy by this. Oh and he won't take care spiders either. That's okay. I am woman, hear me roar.
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