Monday, April 19, 2010

What Words Inspire You?

I’ve been doing quite a bit of reading and listening lately and because of a suggestion from a friend, I have started to write down on flashcards the words that inspire and guide me (on a non-spiritual level). Most of this comes from authors I like, the blogs I read, and the amazing people I often listen to on Ted Talks. Some are life-ish, some are career-ish, some are rather random. When I need to remind myself of the life I strive to lead, I read through them all for a bit of inspiration.

I imagine I’m going to gather many more, but here they are so far…

1. People are not good at predicting now, how happy something will make them in the future. If you want to know how happy something will make you feel (say moving, changing careers, having a baby…) then ask those who are experiencing it.
2. To innovate you must leap ahead – anticipate needs that people don’t know they have, and then deliver something that redefines the category.
3. Focus on the process, not the outcome.
4. Place intrinsic value on what is tangible – love, health, values…
5. Appreciate what already exists.
6. Be you. Know who you are. And be really good at it!
7. If everything you do is to increase happiness, then ask yourself, will doing this make me more happy?

So, what words of wisdom inspire you that you would like to share with me?

1 comment:

Ricky said...
