Thursday, March 31, 2011

Foursquare User Insights

I've been an active user of foursquare for quite some time now and find it fascinating from both a consumer and researcher point-of-view. Their most recent update provides a very accurate read into who I am and what I enjoy doing in my spare time. As you can see in the images below, I clearly love food, and as the "data" indicates which is true, my favorites include sandwiches and espresso. I've been clothes shopping a lot lately (Urban Outfitters) and recently moved (hence the high number of visits to Home Depot).

For those of us who use Foursquare on a regular basis, I feel this feature can truly shed some light into who we are as people and what motivates us. You'll notice that its tracking my check-ins over time which means that in 5 years from now if I'm married with children (hypothetically!) it may be able to display how my needs change over time; from indulgence to necessity I'm sure, but only Foursquare knows :) I'm excited to watch how this application evolves and when (not if) this information will begin to get utilized... and when it does, how that will impact users. Clearly there will be very crucial privacy elements to address. When our personal lives become shared with the world, will it no longer be fun and engaging? Facebook has proven that to be untrue. I envision this information could be truly beneficial and enlightening for brands and researchers alike. Now, how do I get my hands on your information?

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


thejeffdickens said...

Interesting... as a fellow Foursquare user I very much enjoy this new update and being able to see organized information about myself. And speaking of organized information - have you seen the 2010 infographic??

Amanda said...

Hi thejeffdickens! I’m also enjoying this feature but I’m wondering… how would this make you feel if this information was sold to brands?