Does anybody know what a Gypster is?
According to a Gypster is "A person who dresses like a hybrid of a gypsy and a hipster" however according to a Gypster is "A snowboarder who adorns him or herself with numerous trinkets and flare dangling from tight pants and a leather jacket, most likely also sporting long hair and a dream catcher necklace." Perhaps it's just too new to define but I can't quite imagine this right now; haven't seem them lurking around Hollywood yet. I'm keeping an eye out for bohemian meets hipster meets dirty hippie.

Uh oh. I know where you can find these Gypsters.... Idaho. I went to school with them. i've seen em!
Gypster????? Dude I am getting old!! Does anyone even say "dude" anymore? SadTimes............. :(
Rachael - they must be moving west now, share a picture if you see one :)
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