I haven't read any reviews on Twitter yet, so now that I have tested the waters, I will share my opinion before I cloud my mind with the perceptions of others...

1. It's best for following people, brands, companies, websites, authors and so forth that interest me and exclude my real life friends.
2. I enjoy being able to opt into texts, I feel like I'm friends with Dr. Oz because he texts me all the time but doesn't even know it, therefore I can ignore him and never "text" him back.
3. I like to keep an eye on Trending Topics to know what the world is thinking about.
4. I really like the Saved Searches feature. One of my saved searches is "Harley" so when I want to see what everybody on twitter is chatting about related to Harley, it's a quick and easy way to get a read on that.
1. While re-tweeting is a very kind way to give credit where credit is due, for those that do it all the time you clutter the world of twitter and your ideas begin to feel unoriginal, therefore I no longer want to click on your links anymore. Please share your own ideas with me from time to time.
2. If anybody mentions you (not as a direct message) it's moved off your page by the time you blink so every time I have to go to click on @mandifromblabby on the right of the screen because it doesn't keep a count in the same way direct messages do (which is helpful)
3. Many people begin to write like robots and that is not going to get people to pay attention to you. For example: @BATMANONTHEBEAT @BeautyInTheHood #MixtapeMonday#MusicMonday P/O/P " #UPTOWN MUSIC"MIXTAPE,CLICK LINK 4 FREE DOWNLOAD http://short.to/m1l4 !!!
4. I don't like how you can't direct message somebody unless they are following you.
5. It would be useful to be able to track back to previous messages like you can with a string of emails. For example, @RockerRick says "I'm hungry" and I respond to the message by saying "@RockerRick for what?" however my friend @maryjaneolson sees this message on my page and has no idea what I'm talking about unless she inconveniently goes to @RockerRicks's twitter page to see what he said, which by then may have already changed.6. If I go to "following" the list is sorted by the order in which you began following each person rather than alphabetically. How can I easily get to the person I want to without having to browse through my followers?
I'm hoping these are things that perhaps I have not learned about yet that have rather easy solutions. If they do, please free to be my help desk, along with sharing the things you do and don't like about Twitter.
Here are some of my favorite people I follow:
There are many open-source / third-party programs for getting more out of twitter. Mashable is a good source for finding these. Many do the things that you're asking about. The twitter web site is overly simplistic, but I haven't figured out why.
looks like the bad outweighs the good. i ended up looking at someone's tweet by accident (was trying to go to a shoe blog, of course!) and had to read about their morning latte and breakfast bar... if i had a box cutter at the moment my wrists would have been done for! good thing all i had was a spoon so i am writing this now by braille with gauged out eyes.
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